Gene input
Plot size
Note: Set these values to 600 when using a laptop. Please click the submit button after you change the figure size.
Plot parameters
We developed this interactive web server scDVA (short for single cell RNA-seq data visualization and analyzation) for users to explore and analyze the single cell RNA-seq data.
To use scDVA with your own data, please visit scDVA in GitHub.
This webserver is developed by Baolin Liu from Zemin Zhang's lab, Peking University.
Temporal single cell tracing reveals clonal revival and expansion of precursor exhausted T cells during anti-PD-1 therapy in lung cancer.
Please try GEPIA2 to analyze the bulk RNA-seq data from the TCGA and GTEx projects.
Contact us
If any question about the use of scDVA or find any bug, please contact us:
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Load data
Note: please select one or more dataset(s) to load. The datasets have been downsampled
Select a dataset
Subset the dataset
Note: Please click the submit button in 'Gene Input' box after you subset the dataset.