About us

Zhang Lab is devoted to using the cutting-edge genomics and bioinformatics technologies to study fundamental problems of cancer biology and tumor heterogeneity. The current main research directions include: 1) dissecting tumor microenvironment, especially the accurate composition and functional status of tumor-infiltrating immune cells; 2) dissecting the heterogeneity of the tumor microenvironment and its impact on patient treatment; 3) developing innovative bioinformatics tools and resources to analyze, integrate, and visualize genomic data.

Zemin Zhang received his bachelor degree in Biology Department of Nankai University in 1988 and went to USA by CUSBEA. He obtained his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of Penn State University in 1995. After the postdoc training in University of California, San Francisco from 1995 to 1998, he worked in GENENTECH, USA, where he served as postdoctoral supervisor, department director, and the principal scientist of bioinformatics. His previous achievements include the first whole-genome sequencing study of lung cancer, the first systematic assessment of viral insertion on liver cancer, and the first computational method to discriminate cancer driver mutations from passenger mutations. In 2014, he joined Peking University. His studies led to the discovery of multiple cancer-specific drug targets and 60 granted patents. He was awarded Chan Jiang Scholars in 2013. His research achievements have been published in Cell, Nature, Science, Nature Genetics, Nature Biotechnology, and Nature Medicine multiple times. He has been selected to the editorial or advisory board of many journals, including Cell, Cancer Cell, Cancer Discovery, and Cell Research. His achievements have also been selected in the Top Ten Biological Science Advances of China in 2017, the Top Ten Biomedical Advances of China in 2017, the Cell Press Paper of the Year Award in China for 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021, the Top Ten Bioinformatics Progresses of China in 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022, as well as the Cell Press 2020 Best of Cell.


张泽民教授,1988年本科毕业于南开大学生物系, 获得遗传学学士学位,1989年由 CUSBEA项目赴美留学。1995年研究生毕业于美国宾州州立大学获得生物化学、微生物学与分子生物学专业,获得博士学位;1995-1998年在美国旧金山加州大学进行博士后研究工作。1998年起任职于美国GENENTECH公司开始生物信息学研究,曾任博士后导师,生物信息学部主任,生物信息首席科学家。致力于应用机器学习和高通量测序等高新技术进行抗癌药靶和生物标记物的发现。他在生物信息学和癌症基因组学的多个方向上都是开拓者、引领者,如世界首例肺癌全基因组测序即由他领导完成。2014年加入北京大学,先后获得了教育部长江特聘教授、中组部海外高层次人才等荣誉。张泽民教授是60个已获得授权的专利的发明人,在临床试验中的多项癌症治疗药物的分子靶标的原创发现中做出了直接贡献。已多次在Cell、Nature、Science、Nature Genetics、Nature Biotechnology、Nature Medicine等国际著名杂志上发表论文,并担任多家专业杂志的编委,包括Cell、Cancer Cell、Cancer Discovery和Cell Research等。相关成果入选2017年度中国十大医学科技新闻、2017、2018、2019、2021、2022年度中国生物信息学十大进展,获得细胞出版社2017、2019、2020、2021中国年度论文、2020年细胞杂志最佳论文、2020年度北京市科学技术奖自然科学一等奖等。