Global characterization of T cells in non-small-cell lung cancer by single-cell sequencing

Cancer immunotherapies have shown sustained clinical responses in treating non-small-cell lung cancer, but efficacy varies and depends in part on the amount and properties of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. To depict the baseline landscape of the composition, lineage and functional states of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, here we performed deep single-cell RNA sequencing for 12,346 T cells from 14 treatment-naïve non-small-cell lung cancer patients. Combined expression and T cell antigen receptor based lineage tracking revealed a significant proportion of inter-tissue effector T cells with a highly migratory nature. As well as tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells undergoing exhaustion, we observed two clusters of cells exhibiting states preceding exhaustion, and a high ratio of “pre-exhausted” to exhausted T cells was associated with better prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma. Additionally, we observed further heterogeneity within the tumor regulatory T cells (Tregs), characterized by the bimodal distribution of TNFRSF9, an activation marker for antigen-specific Tregs. The gene signature of those activated tumor Tregs, which included IL1R2, correlated with poor prognosis in lung adenocarcinoma. Our study provides a new approach for patient stratification and will help further understand the functional states and dynamics of T cells in lung cancer.



2018年6月25日,北京大学生命科学学院BIOPIC中心、北京未来基因诊断高精尖创新中心、北大-清华生命科学联合中心张泽民研究组携手北京大学第三医院胸外科闫天生研究组,以及拜耳公司,在Nature Medicine杂志发表了题为“Global characterization of T cells in non-small-cell lung cancer by single-cell sequencing”的研究论文,该项研究完成了来自14例非小细胞癌初治患者外周血、癌组织及癌旁组织的12,346个T细胞的单细胞测序工作。刻画了非小细胞肺癌的16个T细胞功能亚群、各亚群的组织分布特征及亚群间的状态转换关系等免疫特征。同时,基于T细胞的转录组数据及T细胞受体(TCR)序列,该研究鉴定出两群跨组织分布的效应T细胞,且这两群细胞具有潜在的迁移属性,这一发现为新免疫疗法的开发提供了思路。

肿瘤微环境中的杀伤性CD8 T细胞由于长期接受抗原刺激,会出现被称为“耗竭”的失能状态。该研究发现,除了耗竭细胞,肺癌的浸润CD8 T细胞群体还包含两群与耗竭细胞可能存在状态转换关系的“前耗竭”细胞。并且,“前耗竭”细胞相对于耗竭细胞的比例与肺腺癌病人的预后相关,这就为肺腺癌提供了新的临床标志物。




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